Fibre Optic Cables

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Here, we'll talk about a few aspects of fibre optic cables.

Firstly, information is sent through fibre optic cables as pulses of light, so the “ones” and “zeros” that make up the information are sent as combinations of the light being on or off. The actual “colour” of the light is in the infrared (this light has a longer wavelength than red light, and red is the longest wavelength of light we can see, so infrared light is invisible to us – which is why it doesn't have a colour).

The wavelength of light is typically measured in nanometers (millionths of a millimeter), which is abbreviated nm, and people can see wavelengths from about 400 nm (which we see as violet light) to 700 nm (which we see as red light). For fibre optic cables, the wavelengths of light used are typically 850, 1,310, or 1,550 nm, because the fibre optic cable is more transparent (that is, has lower attenuation) to these longer wavelengths (this allows longer runs of fibre optic cable). However, the longer wavelength light sources and sensors are much more expensive, so what usually is implemented is as follows:

An important safety note is that because the light is invisible (and can be very bright), it can damage eyes if one looked directly into a lit fibre optic cable. Therefore, you always see warnings about this on fibre optic equipment.

Light typically travels a different speed in different transparent materials, and this is usually expressed as the index of refraction, which is the ratio of the speed of light in the material compared to the speed of light in a vacuum.

When light changes speed, it changes direction, which is why magnifying glasses work – the light rays bend. A strand of fibre optic cable actually has glass with a sharp increase in the index of refraction at the boundary of the cylindrical core of inner glass, and the glass around that is called the cladding. As shown in the diagram above, when light enters the core (from the end), it bounces (which is called total internal reflection – since all of the light reflects) off the boundary between the core and cladding, and therefore ends up at the far end of the fibre optic cable (which is therefore sometimes called a light pipe).

The fibre optic cable is very thin. The diameter is measured in micrometers (thousandths of a millimeter). The cladding has a diameter of 125 µm, which is an eighth of a millimeter (actually, there is usually a primary, and even a secondary coating which may make the diameter up to 250 µm –, but this is still really, really thin. For the single-mode (so called, as there is only one way – or mode – the light travels down the core, so it all arrives at the same time, which is important for longer cable runs) fiber used by carriers, the core has a diameter of about 9 µm or 10 µm.

The strand of fibre optic cable is very fragile, and is protected by a buffer tube. This is a somewhat flexible plastic, and is coloured to so technicians can identify each buffer tube in a cable. For the long-distance fibre optic cables used by carriers, where low loss (also called low attenuation) is most important, but the cable runs don't need to have sharp bends, the buffer tubes are a much larger diameter than the strands of glass, and up to 24 strands will be in each buffer tube. This is called loose tube construction (picture several runs of fishing line, lying in a drinking straw).

Now picture what happens if that drinking straw is bent too much – it kinks, and the fibre optic cables inside will be damaged by being bent so sharply. Therefore, for fibre optic cable runs within buildings, where the cable is short enough that attenuation doesn't matter as much, but where sharper bends are necessary for the confined spaces above ceilings and behind walls, a tight buffer fibre optic cable is used. In this case, the buffer is directly extruded onto each fibre optic strand (similar to plastic insulation on a copper conductor), so the fibre can have a smaller bend radius without kinking.

Note that in all cases there is a minimum bend radius, beyond which the cable will be permanently damaged.

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Here is a strand of bare optical fibre. It is made of extremely clear glass, and eight of these side-by-side have a width of just one millimeter – and what you see here is both the core and the cladding. The part that actually carries the data is just the centre core of this.

While glass this thin is flexible (just as a thin copper wire bends easily – but thicker metal won't), if bent too sharply, the glass fibre will crack, and if a small piece breaks and you get a sliver, or some in your eye, that is a problem. Therefore, when technicians are working with bare fibre, they should be wearing safety glasses.

This fibre has a tight buffer – which is the white covering at the lower-left.

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Just as for electrical conductors, when you need to attach two optical fibres together, you can do a (somewhat) permanent splice, or you can use a connector (which will be more expensive).

For optical connections, the goal is to have as much of the light from one fibre coupled into the other.

A permanent electrical connection can be made by soldering wires together, and a permanent optical connection can be made by melting the ends of the fibres together, which is called a fusion splice (this requires an expensive machine).

Here is one type of fibre optic connector, called an ST – for “straight tip”, since a predecessor connector (called biconic) used two nesting cones to align the fibres. The locking method used by the ST connector is called bayonet (where you push and turn, so named after the way knives were attached to old rifles). The white tip is a ceramic, which has an extremely low thermal coefficient of expansion (that is, it does not change shape due to temperature changes), so the alignment of the fibres (and therefore the loss through the connector) will not be affected by temperature changes.

There is a small hole running through the length of this ceramic cylinder, into which the bare fibre is placed. The hole is so small, it is barely visible without a microscope.

This type of fibre optic cable is often used for patch cords, where two nearby devices need to be connected (such as in a computer room). Generally, each patch cord will have two fibres (so it is called duplex fibre), one for the transmit data, and the other for the receive data (farther back, these two orange cables are joined, like lamp cord cable).

To identify cables as fibre optic cables (rather than, say, power cables), fibre optic cable jackets are generally orange or yellow. For outdoor cables (which must be black for ultraviolet light resistance), a spiral orange or yellow wrap (which often has a tag identifying the cable's owner) is applied, generally at each utility pole.

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Here is a typical outdoor use fibre optic cable. Note the loose tube construction (the buffer tube has several fibres), with six strands of glass (coloured white, orange, yellow, blue, clear, and brown). The steel wires (they are very stiff spring steel) provide both strength, and ensure the cable is not bent too sharply.

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Here's a fibre optic cable with three loose buffer tubes (coloured green, orange, and blue), each with four strands of glass. This fibre is designed for direct burial (no protective conduit or duct needed), so has a corrugated steel tape armor (or shield), with two tough black plastic jackets on either side. The cable has a twisted copper pair (perhaps for an order-wire intercom, or to power remote equipment), and also a “filler rod” (a stiff, white, fibre-glass member) to make everything in the cable roughly circular. The rip-cord (the yellow string – there may be more than one) is used by technicians to help remove the cable sheath (the inner jacket) without (they grab it with pliers and pull down).

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Now we'll look at the outdoor installation of fibre optic cable. The truck here has a large spool of outdoor fibre optic cable. Below that are two smaller spools of steel messenger wire or strand. This is strung between utility poles and provide support for the fibre optic cable.

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Here's the cable on that reel. It was manufactured in December 2005, and has 48 strands (fibres) of type ESM (enhanced single-mode) fibre optic cable.

If you look through even a few centimeters (such as a few stacked sheets) of window glass, you'll see a greenish colour. This is due to impurities in the glass, but for typical window pane thicknesses, this attenuation of the light isn't a problem.

A fibre optic cable requires the light to go through many kilometers of glass, so the glass used for fibre optic cables must be extremely pure, resulting in much, much, much (maybe even a few more muches) lower attenuation. However, as a result of contamination with water during the manufacturing process, early fibre optic cables had hydroxyl ions (which have the chemical symbol OH) trapped in the glass, and these absorb light in a range of wavelengths centered at 1,383 µm. This is why wavelengths near the 1,383 µm hydroxyl absorption band were not used in early communication systems.

However, for some applications, such as wavelength division multiplexing (WDM, where the fibre's information carrying capacity is increased by sending information simultaneously at different wavelengths), those absorption wavelengths needed to be used. As a result, manufacturing processes were developed to make fibre optic cables (sometimes called “low-water”, or “low water-peak attenuation”) that did not have significantly greater attenuation in the hydroxyl absorption band. These fibres are called enhanced single-mode (ESM) fibre optic cables (most cables manufactured now are of this type, even if that characteristic isn't needed).

The last long number printed on the cable jacket is for product tracability (such as manufacturing batch number and the factory and line identification).

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Stapled onto the non-returnable wooden reel is this plastic-laminated (these reels are stored outdoors, so this makes the sheet water-proof) data sheet. Some notes: